They Passed This Way
In 1969 two local historians wanted to memorialize some of the pioneers who had either passed through or helped shape the community of Temecula. Tom Hudson, editor of The High Country, and Sam Hicks, a contributor to the quarterly, decided to create a public monument to these pioneers. Hudson approached the Chamber of Commerce and gained their support. Hicks secured the donation of a 150-ton block of local granite, and all equipment and labor. Hicks designed and did a large part of the work to create the monument himself.
Hudson and Hicks were asked to submit a list of names to be engraved on the monument. Fifty-six names were selected for inclusion, with Walter Vail being the most recent Temecula arrival to be recognized. The name of Aguanga pioneer Jacob Bergman was inadvertently left off and was later carved in with a hammer and chisel.
The monument was dedicated to the community in 1970, and the little park in front of the museum was renamed “Sam Hicks Monument Park” after his death in 1979.

Names on the Monument
Pablo Apis, Vicente Moraga
Luis Arenas, Juan Moreno
Ysabel Barnett, Cinon Moro
Cecilio Blacktooth, Juan Murrieta
Lauriano Cahpasahpish, Waterman Lilly Ormsby
Juan Sotelo Calac, Mariano Payeras
James H. Carleton, Frederick T. Perris
Kit Carson, Antonio Peyri
Manuelito Cota Chapalac, Pio Pico
Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, Mercedes Pujol
Philip S. G. Cooke, J.P.M. Rainbow
Cave Johnson Couts, Edwin A. Rigg
Parker Dear, Louis A. Rouen
John Gately Downey, Juan Santiago
Pedro Fages, Dan Showalter
Juan Flores, Joseph Smith
John Charles Fremont, Thomas (Pegleg) Smith
Isaac Galbraith, Philip S. Sparkman
Victor Emil Golsh, Minerva Strong
Samuel W. Hackett, John Turner
Warren Hall, Walter L. Vail
Nathan Harrison, Felix Valdez
David Jackson, Tiburcio Vasquez
Helen Hunt Jackson, John Trumbull Warner
Albert S. Johnston, Mary J. Welty
Simon Levi, Louis Wolf
Charles F. Lummis, O.M Wozencroft
John Magee, Ewing Young
Jacob Bergman